This is a collection of e-newsletters, inspirational writings, and other random thoughts as posted by Kevin Ciccotti, Executive and Life Coach.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Reinvent Yourself
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What's the Point?
- Daniel Goleman, Author “Emotional Intelligence
What Are You Overlooking?
The Passing of a Legend
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Release the Past
As of this writing, my oldest daughter Sarah’s wedding is mere days away. Recently, I have found myself reflecting on her life, all the things I love about her, all the ways she has made me proud, and the amazing future she and her new husband have ahead of them. It’s such an exciting time for them!
However, there have also been some forays into the world of all the mistakes I’ve made with her over the years. I think it’s only natural as parents for us to relive past regrets and errors in judgment. There are always those opportunities to reflect on how we could have done things so much better. The “if only I had…” that can haunt us if we allow it to.
But what good does that behavior, that line of thinking do? It’s an exercise in futility to try and wish away the past, to make up for all our past injuries and insults, to seek a cosmic do-over, and change the course of our lives and those we’ve hurt. The truth is, the most effective way to view any past mistake is to learn from it, grow, and seek to become better for the lessons.
But what is it about us that causes us to hold on so tightly to the past? Why do we think that it’s going to change anything? The only benefit (if you can call it that) to this line of thinking is to make us feel bad, and hold us back. It gives away our power and energy to the things that we’re not releasing. It becomes a trap, a prison for our emotions that we actually hold the key to – if we only choose to use it and free ourselves.
I’m not saying it’s easy. But it certainly is achievable. Think about how holding on to these things is stealing a piece of your life. What would it mean to you to be able to look at these past events with an objective eye, learn from them, and then release them? How would your life improve? How would it feel to finally be able to say, “I forgive myself for past mistakes” and move on?
Today, as I reflect on Sarah’s life, I am choosing to look back in gratitude for the lessons I have learned as a parent. I get to use those to become a better father to all three of my children. It’s a much more spacious, loving, and growth-oriented approach to my life. And more importantly, it allows me to release those past actions, and let go of beliefs and patterns that do not serve me.
What regrets are you holding on to so tightly that they’re preventing you from being the person you want to be – your most authentic self? When you can become aware of those self-limiting thoughts, those unresourceful patterns, you can then create new patterns that will allow you to release them and replace them with more inspired habits.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
You Always Have a Choice
Ever have one of those days when it just feels as though the Universe is conspiring against you? You know the ones. When you go to the cupboard to get the cereal and the box is empty. Or you get a flat tire on the way to the big meeting. Or the dog grabs the steak off the counter when you’re not looking. Whatever the case, sometimes it simply feels like the whole world is out to get you. As I have been known to say to friends jokingly, “Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you!”
Well folks, today I had one of those days. Let me fill you in. As I was getting the cold cuts and condiments out of the fridge to make my kids’ lunches, I bumped a tray of fresh blueberries, which tumbled onto the floor and scattered around the kitchen – rolling around like so many little blue escapees from their plastic prison, and into every nook and cranny they could find. As I took a small step back to assess the spill, I stepped onto about four or five of them, crushing them into the floor. Nice. “Cleanup on aisle 7!”
Then later, as I was making my breakfast, I had decided that I felt like having an omelet. (One of the perks of working from home is that I now eat better!) As I was cooking the eggs, I lifted the frying pan; and as I had done so many times before, with a delicate, nimble flip of the wrist, attempted to flip the omelet over. I say attempted as though it were more than a feeble effort at this culinary art form, and knowing full well that in the middle of this stab at gastronomic greatness, I had ever so slightly hesitated. I was doomed. The omelet flopped mercilessly in the air, landing on the edge of the frying pan rather than in the middle as I had grown accustomed to. Half of my breakfast falling helplessly to the kitchen floor in an unceremonious “splat!” Great!
So here I am, standing in the middle of the kitchen holding this now twisted, deformed excuse for an omelet – egg still dripping from the edge of the pan. And in that very moment, I knew. I had a choice. Based on these two seemingly sinister incidents, I could blow my top and begin the parade of profanity that I have (sorry to say) conceded to so many times before. Besides, it was just me and the dogs hanging around. The kids had left for school. No one else would ever know, or hear, or care. OR… I could…
It began as a small chuckle, then cascaded into a series of belly laughs the likes of which I haven’t felt in what seemed like months, or even years. I stood there with frying pan in hand, egg on floor and slippers, and laughed at the cosmic joke that was being played on me at that very moment! Listen, I’m no saint. But when something’s funny, it’s just funny. And this was one of those rare moments when I got to see just how silly life is, and how unpredictable it can be, and how we always have a choice of how we react to it!
I have no proof for you that any of this occurred, and if you ask my wife and kids, they may even find my reaction hard to believe based on my past performance. (Like I said, I’m no saint.) What I can tell you unequivocally is this – it happened just as I have written here. I don’t know if, given the same set of circumstances, I would react the same way were it to happen again. I guess only time will tell.
But what I can tell you is this – each and every day of our lives, we are presented with circumstances that would seem to be beyond our control, sometimes menacing, many times there to teach us something; and the events themselves are neutral. That’s right. Neutral. What makes them good, bad, or otherwise, is how we choose to interpret and respond to them. When we go on auto, and allow the circumstances to dictate our thoughts, feelings, and actions, we literally give away our power. Our power to choose. Our power to decide. Our power to control our own behaviors.
So the next time you find the cereal box empty, or you get that flat tire, or you flip half an omelet onto the floor, ask yourself this one question, “What does this really mean?” If you can remain objective, and be aware of your thoughts and feelings, put your automatic response mechanisms on hold, you may just be surprised to find yourself laughing. Laughing at the circumstances, at the silliness and unpredictability of life, and maybe even laughing at yourself. Hey, it could happen.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
How Do You Measure Up?
Like much of the civilized world, I have spent the last ten days watching the amazing spectacle called the Winter Olympic Games. I am continually surprised and sometimes overwhelmed by the athleticism, grace, and passion that these incredible athletes display. They have worked for years – most of them in obscurity – to perfect their craft and strive to reach for their very best performances. Every day my family and I settle in to watch the games and cheer for the American athletes who are competing.
As each competition takes place, I often find myself wondering how these athletes can do what they do. Whether they compete in skating, skiing, snowboarding or any of the other sports, the level of athletic prowess and dedication of each of these competitors is apparent. Clearly, these are athletes at the top of their respective games.
And then it happens. As each competition unfolds, and each medal is awarded, we are constantly reminded of “the count.” Suddenly this incredible spectacle of sport, these athletes pouring their hearts and souls into their performances, is reduced to a comparison of which country has won the most medals. How do we measure up against the total medal counts of the other participating countries?
It seems to fly in the face of the true spirit of the Olympic Games, which is supposed to represent the purest elements of sports, and honor the athletes who are there to compete. Besides, who is the real winner – the one who medals almost purely on superior talent and yet doesn’t perform to their very best, or the one who in defeat has shown the ability to push themselves beyond what they thought possible and create a new level of performance for themselves?
How do you measure up? It seems to be a prevailing question asked of so many of us in our society. We tend to compare ourselves continually to the other people in our lives or others who are in positions related to ours. “If I do this, how does that compare to how he/she does it?” We also have others (bosses, peers, coworkers) comparing our performances to someone else, be it someone in our own department or someone in our profession who is considered a top performer.
One of the things I love most about the Olympics is listening to these spectacular athletes talk about their preparation, training, and mindset going into the Games. Almost to a person, regardless of whether they win or lose, they will say in interviews that they are happy if they were able to reach deep down inside and perform at their personal best. For these extremely competitive athletes to be able to see the true essence of why they compete offers us a terrific lesson we can use in our own lives.
Why are we so willing to compare ourselves to others? What good can possibly come from it? Society many times would seem to drive us toward this never-ending competition. If you want to get ahead, you must be better than the next guy. The only way to get ahead is to excel against our competition at any cost.
The undeniable truth, however, is that it’s a fool’s game. We can never control or affect anyone’s performance but our own. Rather than comparing ourselves to someone else, there is far more benefit in focusing on the one thing we can control – our own performance. When we are able to do that, we are far more likely to perform at our best levels and enjoy positive results. And regardless of the outcome, we preserve our own sense of self worth and well-being. One of my all-time favorite quotes on this topic is from Judy Garland, who said, “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.”
In your preparations for your day-to-day performance, it’s important to check in with yourself and acknowledge your level of dedication and focus in sharpening your skills. Have you done all you can to prepare for what’s possible? Are you looking for ways to learn and grow so that you can become skilled and respected in your chosen profession? Are you pushing yourself daily to be your best? If not, what can you do differently? It’s vitally important to have a clear picture of the outcome you desire, and to take steps to prepare for what must be done to achieve it.
It’s also important to be aware of your mindset as you prepare for each day. One of the things I do every day is to focus on my intentions for the day and make sure that my thoughts and feelings support the achievement of those goals. To put it in terms of Olympic competition, if you are standing in the starting gate thinking you won’t win, what are the chances of you standing on that medal platform? The same principle applies to your intentions for your daily performance. Focusing on the positive outcome you desire, and seeing it occur in your mind, creates a certainty that what you want is possible. Remember, the body achieves what the mind believes.
In the end, the only comparison that truly matters is whether we are performing to our own best skills, talents, and abilities. Anything less will lead to a “less-than” life. And truthfully, we all deserve to live a “greater-than” life!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
How’s Your Vision?
I have worn reading glasses for many years to treat astigmatism. Still, I used to be able to read or work on my computer for short periods of time without my glasses. Over the course of the last year or so, I had noticed a marked deterioration in my vision. More often than not, if I didn’t have my glasses nearby I couldn’t read anything other than the largest type on anything that was handed to me. I can still see my wife handing me a photo or one of the kid’s school papers, and I would take it and sheepishly hold it almost at arm’s length just to be able to add some level of focus on the document. Once I put my existing glasses on, I could read again, although still not as clearly as in the past.
Of course, being a guy, I waited longer than I should to schedule an appointment to have my eyes checked. (Guys, let’s face it – it’s no secret that we’re not very good at listening to our bodies or taking action quickly when we notice aches, pains, or any other forms of age-related wear and tear on our bodies.) So I paid a visit to my eye doctor and got the scoop on my vision. As I had already figured out, it was appreciably worse than the last time I had my eyes examined. The optometrist wrote the prescription for my new glasses, and I was on my way to better vision.
How’s your vision? What do you see when you look at your life? What do you anticipate will come for you in your future? What’s right in front of you that you may be missing? Ah, vision; it can be such a confusing, multi-dimensional and tremendously powerful word. We often think of the sense of sight when we hear the word, but as you can see from the questions above, it has much more depth to it than eyesight alone.
Entrepreneurs and CEO’s are said to have vision. Certainly they need to know where they want to go in terms of building their businesses. Ask anyone who runs their own company and they’ll be sure to tell you that the first thing they needed when they began their venture was a vision of where they want to go, and how they’re going to get there. Some companies believe so strongly in the power of a shared vision, that they pay consultants millions of dollars to help them craft their “Vision Statement.”
What is your “Vision Statement?” Do you have one? When is the last time you took a look at your own life and got clarity on your vision for yourself? What will fulfill you; make you feel fully alive? What do you need in order to get that clarity? Well, a good place to start is with the basics. What do you want? Simple enough question, right? Not so fast, my visionary friend!
There are a lot of people out there who cannot articulate with clarity what they most want for their lives. Oh, sure, they can tell you with remarkable clarity what they don’t want in their lives, but to tell you what they do want is nearly impossible. I know, because I used to be one of those people. I lacked a vision for my life. How does that happen? Could be any number of reasons. They may have become so jaded by past events or traumas that they have literally given up on the notion that what they want even matters any more. Maybe they’ve come face to face with obstacles so daunting that they threw in the towel and went back to their old established patterns. Or, maybe they’ve never really given it much thought because they got so caught up in their day-to-day existence – working, raising kids, paying bills, etc. – that they forgot it is their right and privilege to create their own life! Whatever the reason, the good news is there is a way to break through the patterns of self-limiting belief and create a compelling vision for your life.
Know what you want. I’m not just talking about the mundane, like knowing what you want for lunch. I’m talking big picture here. What’s your vision for your ideal life? What would your life look like if you refused to accept a second-rate existence and settled for nothing less than living to your full potential, using your talents and skills to their full extent? It’s like the difference between being pushed down the path of your life by deadlines, expectations, and lists of things to do, versus being pulled down the path by a compelling vision that speaks to the true heart of who you are.
Have you ever heard of a “Vision Board?” It’s a concept that’s been around for a long time. You take photos, drawings, words, and other meaningful images, and place them all on a large poster board. Put it somewhere that you will see it every day, several times a day. It’s a reminder of all that you are working toward. It literally becomes the “bigger picture” for your life. This is what your life will look like, feel like, sound like, even smell and taste like! It’s the picture of your best life. It’s not someone else’s definition of the good life; it is your thrilling, breathtaking, exhilarating image of how life will look once you achieve your vision!
Of course, you also need a plan to get there. That’s where goals come in. For many, this is where the vision ends. Setting goals can be about as exciting as a root canal, if not approached with the same powerful imagery as your vision board. Dr. Stephen Covey, in his groundbreaking book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” says that when planning, it’s important to begin with the end in mind. He says that all things are created twice – first, the mental creation, and second, the physical creation. You see, just as in creating your vision for your life, you must go inward and “see” that which does not yet exist. Then, as your vision becomes clearly defined, you can work backward from the end to determine all the steps you can take to achieve your vision.
It’s about eliminating those life-draining habits that we’ve become all too familiar – dare I say “comfortable” – with, and engaging in establishing life-giving, affirming patterns for your life. Maintaining your vision board, your goals list, and working to establish the new patterns will all serve as catalysts to get you moving in the direction of your dreams. And more importantly, they will help to keep you motivated as you continue down the path and encounter obstacles or challenges.
So, how’s your vision now?
Saturday, January 9, 2010
A Look Back, and a Leap Forward
At this writing, we are already four days into the New Year of 2010. I want to extend my sincerest wishes to all of you for a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year! For some it is the last year in the decade, while others consider it the beginning of the next. I’m not here to debate your position on that and no matter which side of the argument you are on, the one thing that remains constant is that we have an opportunity to look back at all this past year has brought – triumphs and challenges, joys and sorrows, optimism and fear – and hopefully gain a new perspective on our lives.
To say that 2009 was a challenging year for many of us would certainly be an understatement. We were assaulted at every turn with the news of yet another financial meltdown, another business or bank collapse, bailouts and crises, another round of jobs being cut, and let’s not forget the foreclosures. In a nutshell, it’s probably a year that many of us would choose to forget if we could. But if that is all we choose to see, then we are failing to also see that there were many positive and optimistic things that happened this past year. Look at your own life, and surely you can see that not all was adrift in pessimism and pain. What’s really true?
From a very personal perspective, as many of you know, in November of 2008, I was let go from a corporate job I had held for more than 25 years. To say that my sense of security was shaken, and that my belief in the notion of hard work and loyalty paying off was challenged, is certainly true. And I was presented with an opportunity all of you also have – the undeniable truth that I get to decide what’s next for me. But it all started with a goal I had set at the beginning of 2008 to follow my heart and my passion and to stop living a life that is less than I deserve.
In reflecting back on this last year, I see so many positive and confirming signs that my life is exactly on the track it is supposed to be on. I completed my formal in-person coach training in late 2008, right after being laid off, then in 2009 went through a rigorous certification and testing process and received my professional coaching credentials from both The Coaches Training Institute and the International Coach Federation – accomplishments that I am incredibly proud of. I certainly could never have accomplished that if I was mired in the pessimism and fear that many embraced. I chose a different path – and I have benefitted greatly from it. I am living my dream for my own life – helping others to connect with their higher selves and to take their lives from ordinary to extraordinary. I have never been more fully alive!
Now, it’s your turn. Take some time to reconnect with all that happened in 2009. Look at your achievements, challenges, frustrations, inspirations, goals and dreams, and ask yourself what’s really true. I’m willing to bet you can’t say that the entire year was utterly miserable for you. Our challenge is to stay connected to those things that matter most to us, and to re-engage consciously with all that we have to be grateful for. When we do this, it makes it possible for us to recall the good things and to realistically assess our year. It doesn’t mean that we forget or attempt to nullify any negative experiences – there is learning in those, too. What it does mean, however, is that we can regain our sense of self and realize that every experience offers us the opportunity to learn and grow and move closer to becoming the person we most want to be. It’s also an important distinction that we realize while we can learn much from the past, it’s important that we not live there.
So now, let’s take a leap forward. What does 2010 look like from this new perspective? What are the things you wanted to do in 2009 that you might have left on the table? What new and exciting journeys are you ready to take in the coming year? Take some time to connect to your bigger vision for your life, and really take note of those things that are most meaningful to you. That is where your dreams live.
I’m not talking about just setting some resolutions for the coming year. We’ve all been down that road. Recent studies have shown that more than 75% of new years resolutions fail to come to fruition. This is about being and living to your full potential. It’s way bigger than just setting some nebulous goals that you may or may not be fully engaged with. It’s about connecting with your magnificent vision for your life. Where is the “juice” in your life? What moves you? What makes you feel passionate when you think about it? That’s the place to plan from.
In taking this step and planning your journey, it’s vitally important to connect to those things that will enhance your life and bring you closer to your vision. In other words, you have to know what you want. It must be meaningful to you, and not based on what you think you “should” or “need” to do – and certainly not based on what others tell you that you should do. Don’t listen to your inner critic or saboteur (recall the June 2009 newsletter). Listen to your heart. The goals must be resonant and authentic to you.
Ask yourself this question – What will it give me to have/achieve this thing in my life? What’s the payoff for getting this? If you have a strong enough reason to pursue your goals, you are more likely to sustain your efforts even during challenges or seeming defeats. The promise of how your life will be enriched by accomplishing your goal provides the fuel to keep your passion fired up. It will help you stay strong and committed to the task at hand. There is an old quote that says, “If you have a strong enough why, then you can endure almost any how.”
It’s also important to set up accountability measures for yourself. Who are the people or resources that you can utilize to keep you focused and on track? There are few who have the drive and ability to hold themselves accountable without some outside assistance. Many times we fail to hold ourselves accountable or to set up these checkpoints, and we fail to realize our goals. Identify those resources in your life, and use them to help build momentum. Be careful to select those people who have a stake in your success, those people who are as interested in seeing you live to your full potential as you are. They are the ones who will encourage you when you’re struggling, push you when you need it, and will cheer you on consistently as you make progress toward fulfilling your goals.
Celebrate! How many times in your life have you failed to celebrate when you achieve a major goal or milestone? Without the celebration of our accomplishments, they become just another item to check off a list. Is that how you see your goals? Or are they events to honor and commemorate as important steps on your life journey? No amount of outside acknowledgment can replace that internal knowing that you are moving closer to your magnificent self, and becoming the fully realized person that most inspires you! So go ahead and pat yourself on the back and celebrate your victories! You’ll find that it strengthens your resolve to continue.
These are just a few of the ways you can help yourself to develop, plan, and implement goals that will truly resonate in your life. These are the goals that will spur your dreams, ignite your passion, and take you on a journey that leads to greater fulfillment in your life. After all, you deserve it!